Dr. Tyrone Malloy, owner and principal investigator at Soapstone Center for Clinical Research, assists with both clinical and pharmaceutical research. Dr. Tyrone Malloy has over 30 years of medical experience and is associated with several organizations, one of which is the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. Founded in 1951, the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society has been committed to advancing the knowledge of obstetrics and gynecological physicians and improving the practice overall. By offering a wide range of educational programs and events, the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society is able to maintain high standards of practice and keep its member physicians abreast of new and advancing technology and research within the field. The society hopes that through its efforts, it will help connect agencies and members around the state of Georgia, promoting the sharing of information and collaboration to help patients. To help promote continued education and learning, the Georgia Ob-Gyn Society hosts annual meetings and conferences that allow members to network, listen to guest speakers, and hear about the latest news in the industry. The society also offers regular webinars to help members learn about new topics and advance their knowledge in a convenient and easy-to-access way. In addition to its many educational programs and events, the Georgia Obstetrical and Gynecological Society advocates on the state and national levels to help make politicians aware of ob-gyn issues. Through its advocacy, the society helps educate Congress members about various issues that affect the specialty

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