ATLANTA 30334-0900

Nathan Deal

June 30,2015
Mrs. Raymie M. Malloy 1874 Piedmont Road, 580E Atlanta, GA 30324

Dear Mrs. Malloy:

Thank you for writing to request assistance in the case of Tyrone C. Malloy. I appreciate your concerns.

Unfortunately, I cannot assist in an appeal of your husband’s conviction. As for parole, these matters are solely under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, and I am unable to intervene. In the State of Georgia, the governor is not legally permitted to intervene in the pardoning, parole, expungement, or criminal recording process. I encourage you to write or contact Terry E. Barnard, Chairman of the State Board of Pardons and Paroles, so that he or the appropriate member of his team can review your comments and respond to you. You may contact his office directly:

Terry E. Barnard, Chairman
State Board of Pardons and Paroles
2 MLK, Jr. Drive, East Tower, Suite 458
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

webmaster(a),pav. state.m. us
I hope this information is helpful to you and that you understand the limitations placed on my authority. Thank you again for writing.


Nathan Deal

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