Dr. Tyrone C. Malloy: Dysmenorrhea

Women’s Health-                 


Dysmenorrhea                       A Randomized, Multi-Center, Double Blind Study to Evaluate The Efficacy Of X Compared to Conventional Oral Contraceptive Therapy for The Treatment Of Cyclic Pelvic Pain in Women


                                                Principal Investigator Malloy


                                                Sponsor: Duramed Research, Inc.     




A Randomized, Multi-Center, Double-Blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of an Extended Cycle Combination Oral Contraceptive, X, which Utilizes X during the Usual Hormone-Free Interval, Compared to Placebo For the Treatment of Cyclic Pelvic Pain in Adolescents


Principal Investigator Malloy


Sponsor: Duramed Research, Inc.     




A multicenter, open-label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a combination oral contraceptive regiment


XXXX for the prevention of pregnancy in women


Principal Investigator Malloy


Sponsor: Duramed Research, Inc.   




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