Dr. Tyrone C. Malloy: Hematology- Anemia

                              A Multi-Center, Randomized, Control Study to Investigate the Safety and Tolerability of Intravenous X vs. Standard Medical Care in Treating Iron Deficiency Anemia in Heavy Uterine Bleeding and Postpartum Patients


                                                Principal Investigator                                    


Sponsor: Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.




An open-Label, Randomized, Parallel-Group Study Comparing XXXX and Ferrous Sulfate in Subjects with Iron Deficiency Anemia


Principal Investigator


Sponsor: KV Pharmaceutical




Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of a unique Intravenous Iron Preparation versus Oral Iron in Subjects Who Display Postpartum Anemia


                                                Principal Investigator


                                                Sponsor: Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.




Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of a Unique Intravenous Iron Preparation versus Oral Iron in the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia Secondary to Heavy Uterine Bleeding


                                                Principal Investigator


                                                Sponsor: Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.




A Multi-center, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo Controlled, Cross-Over Study to Investigate the Safety and Tolerability of Intravenous Iron in Patients with Iron Deficiency Anemia


                                                Principal Investigator


                                                Sponsor: Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc.




A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of XXX for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia


Principal Investigator


Sponsor: AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc




An Open-Label Extension Study of the Safety and Efficacy of XXXXX for the Episodic Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adult Subjects with Iron Deficiency Anemia


Principal Investigator


Sponsor: AMAG Pharmaceuticals,

Dr. Tyrone Malloy: Hematology- Anemia




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