A Georgia-based physician and researcher with more than 40 years of experience. Dr. Tyrone Malloy serves as the medical director of the Soapstone Center for Clinical Research and the Atlanta Center for Women's Choice. Additionally, Dr. Tyrone Malloy maintains a private practice in Decatur and holds Expert Status with Health Tap. HealthTap was created to address the lack of reliable medical information online. Recognizing that searches for health-related information often returned results that were misleading, confusing, or too general, the founders developed Health Tap to enhance these searches and make the process easier and more informative. The company's products allow users to receive answers tailored to their medical concerns on their computers or mobile devices. The Health Tap Medical Expert Network includes nearly 50,000 US- licensed physicians ready to answer users' questions. Moreover, individuals can upload medical documents to Health Tap’s HIPAA-secure server if they want more specific responses based on their medical histories. For more information, please visit www.healthtap.com. 

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